AUTOBACS SEVEN Annual Report 2014

Financial Information

The business environment for the fiscal year ended in March 2014 was characterized by lower overall demand in the first half, as new-car sales declined in the absence of subsidies for purchases of fuel-efficient cars, and a second-half demand surge driven by consumers rushing to buy new and used vehicles, and automotive goods, ahead of the April 1, 2014 consumption tax hike.

AUTOBACS Chain stores in Japan recorded an overall 1.3% year-on-year net sales decline in the automotive goods business, as higher tire and wheel sales were outweighed by factors such as lower unit prices for car navigation systems. The number of cars undergoing statutory safety inspections in the safety inspections and maintenance business rose by 1.3%, to around 580,000. And in the automobile purchase and sales business, we increased the number of franchises to 359, from 244 a year earlier, and achieved a 25.5% leap in overall vehicle unit sales, to roughly 23,100.

Reflecting such store-level sales results, the Company’s consolidated net sales rose by 0.7% year on year, to ¥231.7 billion. With the added impact of a higher gross margin, success in controlling selling, general and administrative expenses, and factors such as progress in boosting operating efficiency at store subsidiaries, operating income rose by 9.4% to ¥13.9 billion. Net income went up by 28.9% to ¥9.8 billion.

Net Sales

Net Sales

Operating Income / Operating Income Margin

Operating Income / Operating Income Margin

Net Income / Return on Equity

Net Income / Return on Equity

Highlights of Financial Results

AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Fiscal year ended on March 31 for each displayed year Millions of yen Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 1)
Fiscal Year:
Net sales¥236,351¥237,343¥230,168¥231,697$2,249,485
  Retail98,16298,31394,77095,540 927,572
  Others3,4993,4593,5393,422 33,223
Operating income11,98913,72112,74513,945135,388
Income before income taxes and minority interests11,50115,21713,91516,086156,175
Net income 6,180 8,4037,5909,78695,010
Net cash provided by operating activities 15,375 20,84410,74112,072117,214
Net cash used in investing activities (5,002) (10,155)(4,522)1,51914,748
Net cash used in financing activities (11,790) (11,573)(14,861)(11,166)(108,408)
Free cash flows 10,373 10,6896,21913,591 131,951
Capital expenditures 3,187 7,6916,2494,82046,796
Depreciation and amortization4,7984,6445,1944,551 44,184
At Year-End:
Total assets¥207,795¥217,949¥205,527¥201,481$1,956,126
Interest-bearing liabilities11,92010,4528,3426,771 65,737
Per Share Data
(Yen and Dollars (Note 1)):
Basic net income (Note 2)¥59.32¥84.28¥81.22¥107.71$1.05
Cash dividends (Note 2)45.0048.3352.0064.000.62
Dividend payout ratio (%)75.957.364.059.4
Dividend on equity (DOE)
Total shareholder return ratio (%)159.5121.7160.1105.8
Management Indicators:
Operating income margin (%) 
Return on equity (%) 
Return on assets (%)3.03.9 3.64.8 
Equity ratio (%)71.066.869.571.5 
Non-Financial Data:
Number of domestic stores513530552571 
  Domestic stores operated by franchisees 367381396415 
Number of overseas stores26252727 
  Overseas stores operated by franchisees99910 
Number of customer reward system active members (1,000) (Note 3)6,1426,3616,7216,954 
Number of employees4,4594,4694,6784,466 
Number of automobile mechanics (Note 4)2,8603,1013,3943,653 
Number of directors (of which, outside directors)8(3)8(3)8(3)8(3) 
Number of auditors (of which, outside auditors)5(3)4(3)4(3)4(3) 
Electricity usage (MW) (Note 5)13,65711,29810,6467,515 
CO2 emissions (t-CO2) (Note 5)6,1705,2686,0214,787 

( Notes )
1. U.S. dollar amounts are converted at a rate of ¥103=US$1, which prevailed on March 31, 2014.
2. A 3-for-1 stock split was implemented on April 1, 2013. Figures predating this stock split have been adjusted to reflect its impacts.
3. The number of members who had used the system during the two years prior to the fiscal year end.
4. All chain employees who have obtained the Automobile Mechanic (Level 1, 2, or 3) national qualification.
5. Total for AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd.'s headquarters, regional business locations, directly managed stores, and logistics centers. (Does not include subsidiaries)